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Incident Reporting System


REMEMBER - Please try out our new 'Good Care' category to tell us when something has gone really well. Thank you for taking the time to report. It helps us identify themes, issues, and good care so we can then work with services to make improvements and grow good practice.

  • No password or log in is required.
  • Information needs to be factual, detailing what happened and the actions you/your service took to manage the situation.
  • Do not include names.
  • Whenever possible, please make sure you have spoken with the service you are reporting about - as a professional courtesy and in trying to resolve the situation.
  • If you wish to discuss an incident before reporting, please email the team at hnyicb-nel.incidents@nhs.net (emails will be picked up 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday).

Thank you, the Northern Lincolnshire Nursing & Quality Team

Report an incident